Harmony Petersen

Public Code repos:
My Gitlab
My Github (no longer maintained)
Full Stack Web Architect, App Developer, and Project Leader
With such a big picture view, that global doesn't begin to cover it.
Note: This page is the personal page of Harmony Petersen, and as such is in a constant 'under construction' state, as Harmony's whims dictated. The site is provided as-is, and makes no guarantees or promises, nor should be used as a reliable source for linking as contents are subject to change at any time.
Hover to Pause

*about the above art: This whole computer graphic art piece was crafted as a personal challenge to create complex 3d imagry using spheres, and some basic interactively (if you hover over the animation, it stops), all exclusively in css & html and no libraries, and no javascript - all in a single file. One reason for this was an experiment to see how far I could use css alone to take html, and pure curisoity. However, another was that javascript isn't friendly to screen readers for the visually impaired, and if we could make complex sites without relying on it, it would allow us to make a more accessible web. Having done this, and learned the overlooked capabilities of css and html, I can see that direction has much more impressive things that could be made.